What the stars have in store for every zodiac sign revealed


MAR 21 – APR 20

Dig deep into you instincts, and the answer is clear.


Dig deep into you instincts, and the answer is clear.Credit: Yordanka Poleganova at Illustrat

Your full moon feedback is that friendships need a re-fit —and yes, this can mean dropping draining names or numbers from your contacts. Dig deep into you instincts, and the answer is clear. 

As for love, your consistent chart of co-operation suggests a golden time for bonds at any level.  The more you give, the more you can get.  New passion wears new shoes.

DESTINY DAYS  You’ve got cash get-up-and-go on Monday – do use it.  Find
our more about a deal before you commit on Friday.  Be your own best
friend on Sunday.

LUCKY LINKS  A business named after a famous beauty.  The three names
you trust the most.  The second time you’re teamed with a new work

RUNE REVELATIONS  All pictures, but especially photographs, carry
significance according to your rune KENNAZ – symbol of fire, in both
feelings and ambitions. 

If you’re single, standing next to someone for a group shot can ignite sudden attraction.  If you’re in love, revisiting old photos together can unify focus on the right way forward.

And if you’ve been wondering what your next work move should, or could
be, a role that involves showing photo ID daily — maybe your passport—
can be a perfect fit.

APR 21 – MAY 21

An ambitious, emotional moon encourages you to expect more from passion.


An ambitious, emotional moon encourages you to expect more from passion.Credit: Yordanka Poleganova at Illustrat

You are a true individual this week, and able to plan your personal route to success.  So if other people are not on board, you will know how to deal with this. 

An ambitious, emotional moon encourages you to expect more from passion – and yes, physically this can be a revelation. If you’re single, a career based in three countries can be a key ID clue.

DESTINY DAYS  Taking items back, or finding them again, works for you on
Tuesday. Understand both sides of a family dispute on Thursday. Friday, bring the fun!

LUCKY LINKS  A family of four girls.  Music that brings back a beach
memory.  A room in rainbow colours.

RUNE REVELATIONS  Your rune is INGWAZ, rune of reconciliation,
suggesting all kinds of second chances are ready to flow into your life. In a family, being the one to wipe away any thoughts of blame or shame and set up a meeting, can enable a new start for everyone involved. In
a lovebond, when both sides are 100% honest, you can cancel a past
mistake, together.

If you’re single, this is a rune of surprise re-connection with someone from the past you always wanted to get to know better, but somehow it never happened.  Now it can.

MAY 22 – JUNE 21

A life in the open air, maybe on water, comes closer.


A life in the open air, maybe on water, comes closer.Credit: Yordanka Poleganova at Illustrat

It’s not where you’re going, but how you get there that counts this week, and you are ready to set your own pace, especially in passion.  You’ve learned a lot about yourself lately and now you can put this to good use. 

As the sun strides in to your home-based sector, a property stalemate can suddenly shift.  And a life in the open air, maybe on water, comes closer.

DESTINY DAYS  Tuesday and Thursday are your Try Something New days. 
Friday, fix first or fresh meetings – Saturday is perfect for outdoor

LUCKY LINKS  A local business recently gone national.  The family member
with most pets.  A  “G” colleague.

RUNE REVELATIONS  Stand by for a week of success and surprises – as your personal rune is WUNNA, also known as the Wish Rune.  But do be sure you
really want what you wish for, because you are likely to get it.  A cash
prize can be on your personal horizon, perhaps linked to a competition
you enter regularly. 

There is a freedom offer here too, as your finances can be separated from those of someone older, or simply more powerful.  If you’re single, just being nearby when someone wins a cash prize can spark unique and lasting love.

JUNE 22 – JULY 22

Let your instincts lead, you can be drawn to exactly the right address.


Let your instincts lead, you can be drawn to exactly the right address.Credit: Yordanka Poleganova at Illustrat

Every kind of instinct, on every level of life, is sharpened for you thanks to the full moon.  From spotting bargains to bagging life-partners, you can trust yourself to choose wisely and well.  Whatever anyone else may say. 

The sun’s contribution is a warm style of communication that builds bridges and opens conversations you’ve been longing to have. Luck wears purple.

DESTINY DAYS  Make that call you dread on Monday.  Add your name to a
travel list on Wednesday and ask for more love time (if needed) on

LUCKY LINKS  A counter offering free samples.  A song you can’t stop
singing.  Your friend with the most on-trend fashion tips.

RUNE REVELATIONS  Turn your focus on how and where you live, to harness the strength of ODAL.  This is the rune of strong roots and a home
becoming much more what you want, rather than what you can have. 

A legacy linked to the female side of a family can play a part, and
potentially transform your current address.  If you prefer somewhere
new,  when you stop limiting your outlook and let your instincts lead,
you can be drawn to exactly the right address,  A property or
decoration-based business is also a natural fit for Cancer.

JULY 23 – AUG 23

Romance luck can arrive in a three-word text.


Romance luck can arrive in a three-word text.Credit: Yordanka Poleganova at Illustrat

Yes, you have a marriage moon in your chart this week, and yes, you have the strongest cash zone you’ve had for a while.  So if you’ve been waiting for the right moment to take any kind of plunge, this could be it.  You also have extra fun, plus an option to rekindle old love or work links. Romance luck you’ve been waiting for, can arrive in a three-word text.

DESTINY DAYS  Monday and Tuesday, get VIP dates in your diary.  Make a
Friday schedule to catch up on life admin.  Say yes to last minute
questions on Saturday.

LUCKY LINKS  A screen bombshell with a “T” name.  Words you find hard to
spell.  A prize draw linked to your age.

RUNE REVELATIONS  It’s time to take a deep breath and be totally honest
– even if this feels like a risk.  This is the guidance from your rune PEORTH.  If you’re in love, express what’s in your heart, even if it will surprise a partner.  If you’re single,  someone you already know really well, is hiding such strong, secret feelings for you.  This rune also highlights a shift from playing safe to gambling with high stakes – and this can refer to your working world.

AUG 24 – SEPT 22

Healthy changes feel like fun as the moon and Jupiter team up.


Healthy changes feel like fun as the moon and Jupiter team up.Credit: Yordanka Poleganova at Illustrat

The sun heats up your personal star space — for the next few weeks you can shine even brighter.  So yes, you can be the bigger person and let a work or family grudge go. And reach out to VIP names and numbers you sense could help a work search.  Healthy changes feel like fun as the moon and Jupiter team up – love is in credit where cash tips are shared.

DESTINY DAYS  Take back time from selfish people on Monday – get some
new life-rules in place by Wednesday.  The weekend promises “H” dating

LUCKY LINKS  A profile pic that includes a pet.  The scent of coconut. 
A location linked to a famous love-story.

RUNE REVELATIONS  Playing a waiting game is your way forward this week, according to your rune ISA.  This is the ice rune, symbol of not chasing after love, cash or success, but sitting back, being yourself and
waiting for them to come to you, on your terms.  This won’t always be an
easy approach, but it will lead to a life that feels a much better fit. The ice rune also gives you the cool, calm mindset to win in big contests, or end a time of speculation at work.

SEPT 23 – OCT 23

Keep taking the love lead, as the right partners will be delighted to keep up.


Keep taking the love lead, as the right partners will be delighted to keep up.Credit: Yordanka Poleganova at Illustrat

It’s all about imagination for you this week as mind power expands – your ideas surge ahead of the game.  So that role in words or pictures can come closer.  Secrets don’t suit your open, airy self, so the more upfront you can be, the better. Friends and family are ready to play their part.  Keep taking the love lead, as the right partners will be delighted to keep up.

DESTINY DAYS  You have brilliant cash-saving instincts on Wednesday –
this can be a business starter.  Say no to time-wasting on Thursday and
say yes to blind-dating on Saturday.

LUCKY LINKS  A tattoo written in Latin.  The colleague with the neatest
work space.  The scent of a campfire.

RUNE REVELATIONS  Powerful masculine energy and get-it-done drive is
contained in your rune for this week, URUZ.  But this rune also carries
with it an emotional tendency to clam up and refuse to reveal true feelings and fears.  Perhaps because of pride, or simply because someone
(and this can be yourself!) doesn’t know where to start.  When you take
away rules, time limits and expectations, and create a safe love space
where anything can be shared, tender feelings can emerge and bonds grow
stronger instantly.

OCT 24 – NOV 22

Family links may wobble with the full moon, but this gives you a chance to reinforce them.


Family links may wobble with the full moon, but this gives you a chance to reinforce them.Credit: Yordanka Poleganova at Illustrat

Your stardust sector is powered by the sun from this week, and you have extra energy to chase a dream of entertaining, or educating, an audience.  Plus a “W” celebrity competition can find a place for you on a prize list.  Family links may wobble with the full moon, but this gives you a chance to reinforce them – with mutual honesty.  Lucky numbers end in “7”.

DESTINY DAYS  Promise yourself Treat Tuesday – to really spoil yourself. Ask again about a new work deal on Thursday.  Put loyalty before profit
on Friday.

LUCKY LINKS  Seaside sounds and tastes.   A building with a glass roof. A panel of two women and three men.

RUNE REVELATIONS  Set up or stick with any research into your family
tree this week, as your rune MANNAZ shows this can lead to legacy
documents and discoveries.  And potentially a new layer of relatives,
plus a change in legal status for you or those you care about. This rune
of the law can also show new love with someone connected to the legal
world, even in the loosest of ways.  In an existing lovebond, mutual
acceptance and respect are the keys to a fruitful future.  Throughout
your life, you’re ready to know, and value, your place in the world.

NOV 23 – DEC 21

If you’re single, a friend’s celebration can change this.


If you’re single, a friend’s celebration can change this.Credit: Yordanka Poleganova at Illustrat

A golden spell for your success sector begins with the sun – but it’s your blend of grit and good grace that gets results.  You suss out when to leap in, when to hold back, and so many great chances can go live.  If you’re in a
couple, you may say more than you mean to — but this starts a life-changing dialogue.  If you’re single, a friend’s celebration can change this.

DESTINY DAYS  Monday, tie up loose ends – cash or love.  Reconnect with
an “S” friend on Thursday.  Ringfence “me-time” on Saturday.

LUCKY LINKS  A contest with four rounds.  Names with an Irish
connection.  Neighbours who recently became parents.

RUNE REVELATIONS  Warrior rune TYR is a wonderful, but not always
peaceful, symbol to have on your side.   If you’re in a love bond, then
you may need to fight harder to achieve changes you know you both need –
and to persuade a partner a shared promise is out-of-date..  But your
bravery can be rewarded.  If you’re single, then be bold enough to break
away from what other people (maybe yourself) tell you ideal love looks
like.  Choose a partner with heart, not head. At work, someone who
always seems to disagree with you can make a wonderful match.

DEC 22 – JAN 20

You know what/who you want and have the confidence to go get ‘em.


You know what/who you want and have the confidence to go get ‘em.Credit: Yordanka Poleganova at Illustrat

Instead of leaving cash choices to chance, you can take control now — and find solutions push out problems.  Zodiac trump card is staying true to yourself.  And taking advice from someone older you’ve always rated.  Your passion profile is ambitious – this is so positive.  You know what/who you want and have the confidence to go get ‘em.  Luck rings three times.

DESTINY DAYS  Monday and Tuesday are great moments to get more real, be more honest.  Look again at a work chance you’ve discounted on Friday.  Sunday, make your own romance rules.

LUCKY LINKS  A house with a roof terrace.  Your favourite TV comedy show
ever.  A ticket in the pocket of an old jacket.

RUNE REVELATIONS  What can FEHEW, run of wealth and weddings, mean for you this week?  This is a positive symbol of love and money flowing your way – if you don’t take any part of this for granted.  A business linked to weddings can make you rich – and if you’re single, you can meet a wealthy individual via a special partnership ceremony or contract. If you’re attached, partners are poised to make a big shared decision – and unlock considerable cash linked to the female side of a family.

JAN 21 – FEB 18

This is a week when anything can happen.


This is a week when anything can happen.Credit: Yordanka Poleganova at Illustrat

As a mischievous moon glows in your sign, everyone is drawn to you – and your naughty side reigns supreme. You can have the pick of a love-list – and reboot mystery in a relationship.  This is a week when anything can happen.  A career-changing sun boosts self-belief to be anything you want to be – but the wish must come from you, not anyone else.

DESTINY DAYS  Monday is Make Up Your Mind day – especially at home. 
Wednesday, you have more passion power than you think. Friday — forgive
and forget.

LUCKY LINKS  A red velvet sofa.  A list of sporting locations.  The last
door on the right on a one-way street.

RUNE REVELATIONS  JERA, the rune of harvest, is a clear signal gifts,
gestures and goodness you have planted in the past are ready to bear
fruit now.  In love terms, this rune often appears when a couple are
ready to move from town to country, or vice versa.  This can happen even
if partners have disagreed on this choice before.  If you’re single,
breaking free from habit and making the first move towards someone you
like, can start something special.  At work, offering assistance in an
unpopular task, can open exciting doors.

FEB 19 – MAR 20

Instead of letting obstacles stop you, you gain in confidence.


Instead of letting obstacles stop you, you gain in confidence.Credit: Yordanka Poleganova at Illustrat

You’re a brilliant striker of deals this week.  At work, at home, and in love you can get all sides talking, and understanding each other.  And instead of letting obstacles stop you, you gain in confidence.  Some key questions are up for asking over the next few weeks.  If you’re single, “H” can change that.  Your full moon skill is a sixth sense for decoding body language.

DESTINY DAYS  Wake up wonderful on Wednesday – and expect to be treated that way!  Add up a set of home numbers again on Friday. Say what you really mean, all day Saturday.

LUCKY LINKS   Blue flowers of every kind.  A recipe that’s never been
written down.  A celebrity playlist of favourite music.

RUNE REVELATIONS  Being tested, and coming through, is the theme of your rune for this week, THORN.  In love, you are ready to face the truth rather than hiding from it, and create a partnership that’s 100% honest. This is such a boost for longterm relationships.  If you’re still single, someone who takes on a lot of extreme fitness challenges, can be a great partner for you.   You are also in prime position to restart — and this time complete — any study or experience level you previously had to give up on.

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ZODIAC SIGNS: What’s a star sign and how do I find mine?

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