Trois écoles de Surrey ont mis en garde contre l’exposition à la variante B.1.1.7 du COVID-19

SURREY (NEWS 1130) – Les étudiants, le personnel et les familles de trois écoles de Surrey sont informés des expositions à la variante B 1.1.7 plus transmissible du COVID-19 identifiée pour la première fois au Royaume-Uni.

Le surintendant Jordan Tinney a partagé les avis d’exposition samedi.

Les écoles concernées sont l’Ecole Woodward Hill Elementary, Tamanawis Secondary et AHP Matthew Elementary.

Les expositions remontent à la fin janvier et au début février, mais les trois avis ont été émis le 20 février après que Fraser Health a confirmé qu’il s’agissait de cas de la variante la plus contagieuse.

«Le test de la variante prend plus de temps que le test COVID-19 standard, c’est pourquoi nous avons reçu cette information maintenant», lisent toutes les lettres.

À l’école Woodward Elementary, la personne affectée était à l’école du 3 février au 5 février, puis à nouveau du 10 février au 12 février.

«Fraser Health a ordonné à deux classes et à plus de 20 personnes de s’auto-isoler», selon l’avis.

Au secondaire de Tamanawais, la personne qui a été testée positive pour la variante était à l’école du 26 janvier au 8 février. L’autorité sanitaire a identifié trois contacts étroits, à qui on a dit de se faire tester et de s’isoler.

De même, à AHP Matthew Elementary, trois contacts étroits du cas confirmé ont reçu pour instruction de se faire tester et d’isoler. Les dates d’exposition pour cette école sont les 26 janvier, 27 janvier et 29 janvier.

Début janvier, une cohorte entière dans une école secondaire de Maple Ridge a subi des tests après qu’un cas de COVID-19 dans cette école ait été lié à un « contact rapproché » de quelqu’un qui avait contracté la variante. L’ensemble de la cohorte a été testé négatif. Cependant, dans ce cas, aucune personne testée positive pour la variante n’était entrée à l’école.


Early this morning your Abbotsford fire fighters attended an apartment fire on Delair rd. First arriving crews saw...rnrnPosted by Abbotsford Fire Fighters Association & Charitable Society onu00a0Sunday, February 14, 2021

rnJan McAusland cries every time she looks at the GoFundMe set up by her niece.rnrn"I look at some of the names and there are family, friends, and people I haven't been in contact for years. The fact that they've come forward and donated to this fund is just overwhelming," she says.rn

RELATED: Abbotsford fire fundraisers help displaced families in time of need

rnShe grabbed nothing but her purse before leaving her second-floor unit after the fire alarm went off in the middle of the night.rnrnHer second-floor suite wasn't destroyed by the fire itself, but she won't ever be able to go back because she says the building is going to be demolished.rnrn"There's water all over the floor, and of course, the ceilings are dripping. You can't take any of your clothes or anything fabric because it just reeks of chemicals and smoke, so all of that is gone most of the furniture is destroyed," she explains.rnrnOn the night of the fire, and in the hours the residents spent in a nearby church afterward she worried for families like Wolck's.rnrn"There's several families in that apartment building that have little children, and they literally grabbed their children out of bed in their pyjamas, wrapped them in a blanket, and fled the building," she says.rnrn"It's awful. It's bad enough as an adult to be displaced. I can't imagine trying to explain to the kids how you just don't have anything anymore."rnrnMcAusland has a hotel room paid for by the Salvation Army until Sunday, after that she can pay to extend her stay.rnrn"That possibility is there. So I know that we're not going to be hopefully living on the street."rnrnShe's also noticed a lack of affordable options in the city.rnrn"I know everybody wants the most bang for their buck, if they could just drop their rents a bit or open up their suites that they have to the people that really need it right now, that would be wonderful."","post_title":"Tenants who lost everything in Abbotsford fire overwhelmed by support, frustrated by housing search","post_excerpt":"Residents displaced by an Abbotsford apartment fire are struggling to find new homes, but are deeply moved by the outpouring of support. ","post_status":"publish","comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","post_password":"","post_name":"abbotsford-apartment-fire-aftermath","to_ping":"","pinged":"","post_modified":"2021-02-20 21:30:46","post_modified_gmt":"2021-02-21 05:30:46","post_content_filtered":"","post_parent":0,"guid":"","menu_order":0,"post_type":"post","post_mime_type":"","comment_count":"0","filter":"raw","permalink":"","post_title_shortened":"Tenants who lost everything in Abbotsford fire overwhelmed by s...","post_thumbnail":""},{"ID":3404516,"post_author":"57","post_date":"2021-02-20 07:54:05","post_date_gmt":"2021-02-20 12:54:05","post_content":"Citytv examines how systemic racism affects the daily lives of Black, Indigenous, and people of colour in Canada. Below is the fourth story. Bookmark this page to read and watch the previous and upcoming stories.rnrnWatch VeraCity: In Their Own Words on Monday, Feb. 22, at 10 p.m. EST, only on Citytv.rnrn

rnrn*Warning: The story and video contains graphic details, discretion is advised*rnrn

rnrnDeputy Chief Const. Howard Chow has been with the Vancouver Police Department for more than three decades.rnrnHe was number nine of all Chinese officers ever hired.rnrnNow, the force has more than 200 Chinese officers.rnrnA walk through the city's Chinatown brings back many memories for Chow.rnrn

"I think our city, this year, has changed dramatically."

rnrn"Vancouver's Chinatown is one of the oldest and one of the largest in North America," he says. "[The] La communauté chinoise a joué un rôle très important dans la construction de Vancouver dans ce qu'elle est. " R n r nMais Chow dit que Chinatown est différent maintenant. R n r n " Chinatown était en plein essor: beaucoup de vitalité, passionnant, très sûr ... C'était vraiment la plaque tournante de la communauté chinoise et cela a changé. Et je pense que notre ville, cette année, a radicalement changé. " R n r n

«Étant d'origine chinoise, comment pourrais-je ne pas trouver cela complètement blessant?»

r n r nVancouver a connu une augmentation de 878% des incidents liés à la haine contre des personnes asiatiques dans les mois qui ont suivi le début de la pandémie. r n r nLes incidents comprenaient un homme âgé atteint de démence jeté à la au sol devant un dépanneur, un petit coup de poing dans la rue en plein jour et du vandalisme contre de nombreux sites culturels de Chinatown. r n r n "Étant d'origine chinoise, comment ne pas trouver cela complètement blessant ? "Dit Chow. "Je suis très fier de mon héritage, de ma culture et quand vous regardez la population de Vancouver, 28% d’entre nous sont chinois. " R n r n "Je pense que c'est le charme de la ville. Nous avons ce bon mélange de cultures, d'ethnies et de diversité et personne ne devrait vous en priver. "", "post_title": "Spike dans les crimes haineux anti-asiatiques" blessants "pour le chef adjoint de la police de Vancouver "," post_excerpt ":" "," post_status ":" publish "," comment_status ":" closed "," ping_status ":" closed "," post_password ":" "," post_name ":" véracité-anti-asiatique -hate-crimes "," to_ping ":" "," pinged ":" "," post_modified ":" 2021-02-20 20:37:49 "," post_modified_gmt ":" 2021-02-21 04:37 : 49 "," post_content_filtered ":" "," post_parent ": 0," guid ":" https: / / /? P = 2390583 "," menu_order ": 0," post_type " : "post", "post_mime_type": "", "comment_count": "0", "filter": "raw", "permalink": "https: / / / 2021 / 02 / 20 / véracité-anti-asiatique-haine-crimes / "," post_title_shortened ":" Spike dans les crimes haineux anti-asiatiques 'blessant' pour la po de Vancouver poux '... "," post_thumbnail ":""}]}; / *]]> * /

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